Baseball In Africa Incorporated
P.O. Box 487, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
United States of America
Sponsors *** Telemarket ** Gruppo IVAS ** Kivatec ** Major League Baseball ** Maurizio Gherardini ** SPAC Service ** Marc VanderBaan ** Nathan Forman ** Alan Duncan *** Sponsors

I'm fighting against AIDS.
Are you ?


Baseball in Africa Incorporated was founded as a response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is primarily affecting sub-Saharan Africa, although it addresses other social problems such as unemployment, malnutrition, orphans and education.

Our program includes the principal measures known in the fight against AIDS----education and awareness programs, counseling and testing, promotion and distribution of condoms, and improving the status of women. When someone is found to be HIV-positive, anti-retroviral drugs are provided.

Baseball in Africa Incorporated implements its strategy through the youth-friendly organizations it creates in each country.
Our player identification card will be the start of a medical profile for tens of thousands of young people.


The age group that usually has the lowest incidence of HIV/AIDS is the 10-14 year olds. The reason for this is that infected new-born infants have nearly all died by the age of ten, and risky sex doesn't usually occur until the age of fifteen.

Our Little League baseball championship that involves 10-14 year-olds will be the focal point of our Eu Assumo Education and Awareness Program.


Ninety-five per cent of HIV-positive people in the world do not know they are infected.

With AIDS carrying such enormous social stigma and discrimination, people don't usually volunteer for testing. In places where headway has been made in prevention and treatment, the lack of testing undermines overall progress.

Baseball in Africa Incorporated actively promotes confidential routine counseling and testing, with the guaranty of access to anti-retroviral drugs.

Baseball is the bond where friendship and confidence grow.

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